Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My girls!

My girls! I still love saying that!

Hannah is 3 months old already!!!! She has been doing really well. She seems to have recovered from the virus she had and with some diet restrictions on my part her tummy seems to be doing a lot better. She is a great nurser and an even better sleeper! She takes a lot of 'cat' naps during the day - but she sleeps through the night (I am almost afraid to say this out loud) so we are not complaining. This week we even moved her into her crib, and she is doing great! Abby loves having her in the room with her, and is always really quiet when she wakes up so she doesn't wake up Hannah. She still doesn't love her carseat but she has been doing a lot better since she figured out how to suck her thumb while laying on her back in her car seat!

Abby is 2 1/2 and doing great! She loves reading books, and playing with her friends. Her favorite days are the days we watch her cousin Keeley, they have a blast playing together. She loves all things princess, and dressing up - but also likes to play in the dirt and get dirty. she is my 'busy' little girl, and I love it!

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1 comment:

Mandee said...

You need a boy now so you can't say my girls anymore!! It makes me envious because I'm not sure what to say, "my kids"!?