Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Our Baby Girl shows her face!!!! 34 Week Appt.

On Monday, September 25th I had my 34 week doc. appointment. I had to do my non-fetal stress test for the week first - so it was an early appt. at 7:30AM! As usual our little girl was fast asleep during the test, and didn't want to wake up and move around enough for the nurses, so we had to do an ultrasound. The pictures below are from that ultrasound, the tech actually went into 4D which they don't do usually except at your 16-20 week appt. At our 16 week appt. when they did it - our little peanut refused to show her face, but she made up for it on Monday - she tried right away to put that hand up there and cover herself (she is obviously NOT like her Mommy when it comes to!) But we got a couple pics before she did. It was so amazing to see her little chubby cheeks and cute round nose!!! Made us so excited to see her!

Everything else with the appointment went well - measured at 35 weeks, heart rate was good, and we had good news that she had moved out of the breech position and is now head down (yikes!!). So things are moving along! 6 weeks to go!!!!
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34 Week Belly Pics!

It just keeps growing and growing and growing!!! I am long waisted and she has a lot of room to grow in there, but if I hear one more person tell me that I am hardly showing - I might explode!! I can't even bend over anymore!! I know that the belly is out there!! LOL !! After the baby shower - Tiffani and Amy being silly!!!!
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Shower Time!!!

Saturday, September 23rd, Robin and Tiffani had a baby shower for me!!! It was a difficult decision to decide if I was still going to have the shower after my Dad had passed away on Tuesday, but in the end I decided that because all my Dad could talk about was this baby, and how excited he was, that he would still want me to celebrate! It was an amazing shower, and I had tons of fun, Robin and Tiffani did an awesome job, and everything turned out perfect!!

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Monday, September 25, 2006

Richard F. Dziobecki

Richard Dziobecki (December 10, 1953 - September 19, 2006)

Richard F. Dziobecki, 53, died Tuesday September 19, 2006 at Southridge Healthcare Center.

Richard Dziobecki, was born on December 10, 1953 in Albany, NY. He spent several years living in California and moved to Minnesota to continue his education. On July 23, 1979 Richard married Cheryl Courtney and the couple moved to Sioux Falls, SD to start a family.

Even though Richard suffered from severe rheumatoid arthritis he always managed to have a happy attitude, putting a smile on everyone’s face with his wit and sense of humor. He was an avid sports fan and was loyal to the Minnesota Vikings.

Grateful for having shared his life are his children, Amy (Todd) Anawski, Sioux Falls, and Justin Dziobecki, Sioux Falls; brother Ron (Lesly) Dziobecki, Long Beach, CA; sister Ivy (Jim) Hogeveen, Luverne, MN.

He was preceded in death by his parents.

Private services will be held by the family at a later date.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Thoughts and Prayers

Thanks to all of my friends and family for their thoughts, prayers, kind words and support as we go through this very difficult time.

My Dad, Richard Francis Dziobecki lived the last years of his life in so much pain, that we are taking comfort in the fact that now he is in a place with no pain and suffering. He passed away on Tuesday night(September 19, 2006)around 8:30PM. The night before had been a horrible night of suffering for him, and his body final gave up.

We are honoring his wishes of cremating him and not having a service. We do plan on having his ashes buried somewhere we can visit and honor his memory. We will have a small service at this time.

Even in his last hours, he was thinking about my brother and I not wanting us to see him go through anymore, he was having a horrible night and he was trying to act brave and joke with us, not wanting us to worry. He was an amazing man, who went through so much in life, that he just didn't deserve. He was only 53 years old. We feel so lucky to have had such a loving, caring father and friend.

Thanks again to all of my friends and family and their condolences. I will keep you all updated in the next few days, as things get finalized and settled....


Monday, September 18, 2006

She keeps us on our toes already!

We had a rough weekend with out little peanut this weekend. From Thursday night to Saturday morning I was having a really hard time getting any (if any) "kick-counts" (Kick-counts are basically tracking fetal movement in an hours time - should have 4 good kicks in an hour). I also was having a lot of pain in my abdomen, it didn't feel like contractions, but it was pretty painful. By Saturday morning we decided to call the doctor.

The doctor had us immediatly go into the hospital to be checked. They hooked me up to the fetal monitor, and monitored her for a good couple of hours. She seemed to be moving, and doing fine, which was an instant relief for us. They did do a ultrasound to measure the fluids, and found a couple things that where contributing to the decreased fetal movement.

If you have too much fluid around the baby or not enough it can cause decreased fetal movement, I have a little excess, but nothing too be worried about, but enough to have it harder for me to feel her kicking around. Also, the found she is still in the breech position, babies start moving down at around 32 weeks - I am only 33, they are confident she will move into position, but because she is growing and in that position right now - is why it's causing the abdomen pain and the decreased movement.

So long story short, everything turned out wonderful, she of course was moving all around on ultrasound, opening and shutting her mouth like she was trying to talk to us! We have decided she just likes lots of attention...wonder where she gets that from?!?!?
This is an ultrasound pic from Saturday - it looks like she is trying to blow us kisses!!! lol Posted by Picasa

Our Baby Girl :o)

On August 17th we had an ultrasound to check on our little peanut, she was doing really well, kicking away and happy! The ultrasound tech kept saying she was sure going to be a talker, as she kept opening and closing her mouth - but not sticking her thumb in like most babies do! It was cute! She must have some of her Mommy's personality - if she is going to be a a talker!!! lol Babies Foot
Side Profile
She turned and looked at the screen in this pic, and when they took the picture she started opening her mouth - so it looks kind of funny - I think she looks like a little monkey in this pic!! When everyone sees this picture, they say she has Mommy's "pug" nose! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

32 Weeks

Yesterday was my 32 week appointment! Things are coming along well. Heart rate was at 150, belly measured at 33. The Doctor has decided to start me on non-fetal stress tests twice a week until further notice, just to make sure that the baby is under no stress, due to some of the placenta problems I have had. I had the first one yesterday and it was good, they basically moniter babies heart rate and make sure she is moving around happily in my belly, and so far she is doing great!

As always keep us in your thoughts and prayers to keep our little one "cooking" in mommys belly as long as possible! So far she is doing excellent and we want to keep it that way!
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Friday, September 08, 2006

Nursery Pics!

Our Nursery is really coming along, and I wanted to share with everyone the pictures! Thanks to Todd's AMAZING job painting the walls and the furniture, and Tiffani's help organizing where things go, it really looks great! I am still working on finding a lamp, curtains, and a rug, but other than that as far as nursery furniture we are set!! We ordered a rocking chair, that should be here by the end of the month also!

We just can't wait till she is here, and in this room!! We are getting so excited and nervous at the same time! Every day, I have to go into this room and arrange the clothing, or straighten the bedding, just out of excitement!

Thanks again to all of my friends and family who helped me pick out the nursery decor, as I struggled with this!! Special thanks to my Mom & Dave as they purchased the changing table and crib for us, and thanks to my Grandma and Mom for purchasing the baby bedding and beautiful quilt you see on the wall!!! I don't know what we would do with out all of you!!!!

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Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day weekend was a fun one for Todd and I, we spent a lot of time working on our nursery and getting projects done at home, but took some time out on Sunday to go to Sioux City. I was so excited just to do some shopping somewhere else, and then of course to go eat at Carlos O Kelly's!!!! We also took some time for me to go visit Brian's grave....which I really wanted to do, I still can't believe he won't be here to see my baby when she is born! He would have been so excited, and he would have been an amazing grandpa figure to our little girl...
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