Thursday, May 20, 2010

Happy Mothers Day!

This Mothers day was a lot of fun! I got to spend the weekend with my Mom. We went to a movie, we went out to dinner with Justin and Holly and than ended the weekend having a pizza and game night with Todd's side of the family. Every day I feel so blessed to be a Mommy to two wonderful, beautiful girls, and even more blessed that I have my Mom helping and directing me every step of the way!

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Yay for warm weather!

It warmed up and we have been spending as much time outside as possible!!! My girls LOVE to be outside!!! Abby's favorite thing to do is ride her Tinkerbell bike. Hannah's favorite thing right now is to either be on wagon rides, or to play inside Mommy or Daddies car. She spent 1 hour in my car the other day pretending to drive while I cleaned the garage, watch out world when she is 16 - girl wants to drive!

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Baking Brownies..

We had a week of really cold and rainy weather. We baked a lot that week!! Hannah helped me make brownies, and she LOVED it - especially the 'licking the spoon' part. She was so happy until she was all done and I cleaned her up - she than spent 45 minutes, head down crying on the floor. She is my girl for sure - she loves her chocolate!

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Monday, May 03, 2010

Cinderella, Cinderella!

USF here in Sioux Falls put on the play Cinderella. I couldn't wait to take Keeley and Abby. They both dressed up in their best Cinderella outfit and we went out on the town. First hitting up the restaurant of their choice, Burger King, than we went to the play. The girls where in awe during the whole play and loved it. Afterwards they got to meet all the characters!! Abby wasn't interested in anyone but Cinderella, and her face lit up when she got to meet her. Keeley had no fear and snuggled up to Prince Charming for a pic. It was a fun night, and I loved every minute of it as much as the girls did!

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A day at the park..

The weather has been getting warmer and we have spent as much time as possible at the park. One of our favorite parks is Tomar park, we always play at the park and than take walks on the trails.

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Goodbye to an old friend.

After struggling for the last 6 months with some health issues, my cat Bobby passed away last month. It's been really hard on me not having him around and even harder to explain to the girls where Bobby is. I am sad he is gone, but happy he is no longer in pain.

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