Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Big girl!

Almost as soon as Hannah started crawling - she started crawling up to things and standing up! She is getting so big so fast!
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More park pictures...

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At the park...

Sunday was a beautiful day and suspected to be one of the last really nice days of the season. Todd had a great idea to get a picnic lunch and go to the park. So we went to the beautiful Terrace park rock gardens and had an awesome time.

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Grandma's girls...

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Shopping fun!

Misty, Tiffani and I went on a girls trip to Minneapolis to do some shopping!!! It was so much fun!!! We left our kids with the Daddies, and spent the day from sun up to sun down shopping.

Even with a few wrong turns, some spilled gas, other mishaps - we laughed until our guts hurt, and had a great time!

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Silly girls...

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Just us girls!

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Abby has surgery!

After a year of hoping she would grow out of her sinus problems we finally agreed to her getting her tonsils and adenoids. The last year out of 12 months - 10 of those months she had sinus infections. It was time to do something.

The surgery was only about 15 minutes and she did well. The doctor said her tonsils and adenoids where HUGE - and he has seen a lot of the.

Unfortunately Abby had something called "Emergence Delirium" when she came out of anesthesia. It was really scary and it took her almost 2 hours to come out of it. The ended up having to give her 5 doses of morphine and a sedative to calm her down. It was really hard to see - Todd and I just took turns holding her and crying along with her.
The also found she had a bad sinus infection when they went in to do surgery, along with some fluid in her lungs. Something we had no idea - as she is always stuffy and has a runny nose. It caused some complications with the healing process. She had to have oxygen on her and when sleeping her oxygen levels would go low, so we had to stay an extra night in the hospital until her levels went up.

By the third day she was feeling a lot better! She loved all the extra attention and visitors, and was ready to go home. We where so happy when the doctor gave the ok for us to go home! Thanks to the amazing care of the doctors and nurses at the Sanford Children's Castle and to my amazing group of friends a pretty stressful situation wasn't so bad, and even Abby was smiling in the end!

We continue to see good things coming from this surgery. Starting with Abby herself being so excited to be able to breath through her nose. She is always saying "Mommy - I can blow with my nose!!!" Also - due to always being stuffed up - we discovered (after this surgery) that Abby was not able to smell very well. She had a whole new world - she discovered her strawberry shortcake dolls smelled like strawberries, she is smelling flowers, and even tells us now when Hannah has a poppy diaper! We feel very strongly that the surgery is/was a good thing and she hopefully this winter will be a lot healthier!
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Thursday, September 17, 2009

a few more pics!

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More pics...

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My big girls!

My friend Cassie took these amazing pictures of the girls at Rotary park.
Hannah 8 months
Abby 2 1/2 years old
She did an awesome job at really catching their personalities.

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Sunday, September 06, 2009

Dress up

One of the best part of having girls is playing dress up! We all have fun dancing around and being silly in our dress up clothes.

tu-tu butt!

ballerina girls!

School time!

It's hard to believe this is possible. But Abby started her first day of preschool this Friday. She is officially a Panda at Central Baptist preschool. She was so excited to go for weeks she asked me every morning if today she was going to school. She only goes one day a week on Friday mornings. Todd and I both brought her the first day. With princess back pack on she marched right in - leaving me at the door with tears in my eyes!

Abby loved her first day of school. She told me they sang songs, ate Birthday cake (there was a birthday the first day), and the teacher read some really good books!


Hannah got her first taste of a family favorite - spaghetti!!!! Just like her Mommy and sister - she LOVED it!

Hannah - 8 Months old Abby 2 1/2 years old