Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Getting Ready for Baby....

Todd putting together the new swing Todd practicing putting baby to bed using Chance!
Bobby Testing out the crib to make sure it was cozy enough for baby
Just me and my belly!
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Monday, October 30, 2006

Doctor Appt.

Today's Appointment went well:

Dilated: 2.5
Measured 39
Cervix thinned from 40% to 75% this week
Babies head is completely engaged

Doctor said we are doing well - had a little bleeding - so I am instructed to take it easy this week. If I don't go into labor this week - we officially have an induction scheduled for Tuesday November 7th!!!

We are hoping to go into labor before this, but if we don't the doctor is confident things will be ok, as my body is preparing already for labor, and the baby is ready!

We will keep you updated - let's hope the next post is a baby announcement!!!

Monday, October 23, 2006

38 Week Appt!

38 Week Appt. update!

Dilated to: 2! Yikes!
Measured: 38 Weeks

At this point the doctor said with some of the problems I have been having - if I don't go into labor before my due date - they will not allow me to go past my due date and will induce me. Also have to keep doing non-fetal stress test (NST) twice a week, and if at anytime they see these tests and think I should be induced - they will do that also! But she said that things look good - babies head is down and becoming more engaged, and I am progressing as far as dilation.

Could be any day now! I will keep you all updated

Monday, October 16, 2006

Belly Time!!!! 37 Weeks

Watch out world, here comes Amy's BIG BELLY!!! I am down to the final three weeks, and my baby is growing!!! 37 Week appt. went well - I am dilated about a pinky fingers length which is normal for this time...measured at 38 weeks, and things looked good...I am at the point where I am ready to meet our little girl! I am so tired....and well...HUGE!!!
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Happy 1 year anniversary!!!

October 8, 2006 was Todd & I's one year wedding anniversary! We spent the day together, had a special dinner, made eachother gifts, and topped the night off with a piece of our wedding cake! It actually didn't taste too bad! Looking back at this year, we can't believe how much we have gone through - we really hope to take the struggles and good times of the last year and make the next year even better!

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Friday, October 06, 2006

36 Weeks!! Yikes! One month left!

Today was my 36 Week appt. Everything went well - I measured at 37, heart rate was great, and baby is head down. Cervix is softening, so my body is getting ready!! I can't believe we only have one month and we will get to meet our little girl!!! We are so excited and nervous at the same time!

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Another Shower!!!

This week at my work, they had a baby shower for me!!! Can you say spoiled?!?!?! We got all kinds of fun, cute baby stuff, it was so much fun, and the cake was YUMMY!!! This baby isn't even here yet and she is so spoiled!!!

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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Autumn Festival

This weekend we went to the Fall Festival at the Apple Orchard. Todd's Family and lots of our friends where there. Todd's sisters Toni & Terri where there with their kids and Pat was there, and then Melody, Steve and kids where there (see below the ADORABLE pics of Lily) Misty was there with Jadon, and Becky and Lexi and Tiffani and Debbie and Larry - it was a fun time seeing everyone, enjoying the BEAUTIFUL day, sitting in the shade, picking apples, and watching the kids have fun!

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