Thursday, February 07, 2008


We had lots of fun watching the Superbowl at Grandma & Dave's house! Abby wasn't really excited about either team playing - so she wore her Vikings outfit Uncle Justin gaver her. We all had lots of fun, eating lots of junk food, watching the game, and staying up late!!
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We finger painted a picture for Grandma! Abby had a blast making a mess!!!
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Abby has been on and off sick for the last two weeks, so when Abby and Amalee finally got to play together again, they where super excited!!!
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Our blue eyed girl!

This last few weeks have been challenging for us! Just when we thought Abby was all better from the RSV and was doing well - the next week she got really sick with a bad cold again....her lungs where really bad and she had to have chest x-rays again, and they did not look good. She ended up in the doctors office and on several meds and nebulizer again. She had a rough week as did Mommy (Mommy got a cold also this time!).
This week we are proud to annouce the Anawski household is on day 4 of being SNOT FREE!!! So we are hoping it continues! We have made an appointment for Abby to see an allergy specialist, as we are concerned some of these problems are coming from allergies and not just getting sick, so keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we see the allergist in a few weeks!
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