Sunday, August 02, 2009

Thank God for Mommy!

This month has been a hard one for the Anawski household! We have had one illness after another. Stomach bugs, ear infections, pink eye, strep throat, colds - you name it - we have had it! While we are very grateful for the health we have and that things are not life threatening - it has been a trial on the whole household to keep it together with one illness after another.

It has been especially hard on this Mommy. Even when I have been sick, I have been taking care of everyone else, and trying to keep it all together.

I am so lucky to have such an amazing Mommy, she realized that I was not doing well and came up this weekend to take care of me! She started out by taking me for a pedicure and some pampering at the salon. Than that night she let me go out with a friend for a relaxing dinner, while she took care of the kids and watched the kids while I (once again) spent a few hours in acute care. She let me sleep in Sunday morning an take a nap later in the day.

My girls are so lucky to have such an amazing Grandma that they love so much and I am so lucky to have a Mommy who still knows when this Mommy needs help!

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