Wednesday, January 07, 2009

My girls!

I have waited so long to be able to say "my girls"! I still feel like I am dreaming some days. We are all doing pretty well our first week home with baby Hannah. Abby loves to hold, sing, and kiss her baby sister! Hannah has so far (pray that it stays that way) been a very good eater and sleeper! She even lets Mommy sleep 4 hours a time at night already!!!! Abby has challenged us a little bit to make sure we remember she is still the firstborn of the household, but even at it's worse, it's not half as bad as I expected it to be, I think more than anything she is just bored and ready to get out of the house!

Daddy went back to work this week, after not being home even a full week with us. I was nervous at first but the last few days have went really well, I have even managed to get some housework done here and there. And of course when Todd gets home, he likes to really give Abby some attention as he knows with me nursing it's hard to give her all the attention she is used to.

We have truly been blessed with all our friends and family support as well. From bringing meals, to just stopping by to lend a hand, to taking Abby out and giving her some individual attention, I don't know what we would do without everyone! Between my Mom and Dave, Mom's club and my Mops friends I don't think I will have to cook for a month - and that is awesome!!!!!!!

So far life with 'my girls' has been amazing, and I am so happy to have our little Hannah here making our family even more complete!

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1 comment:

Theresa Marie said...

SOOOO cute! I absolutely love that last picture :)