Sunday, April 20, 2008

The little things...

We have been super excited around our house lately as Abby has gotten the concept of not only peeing in the potty but also doing number 2!!! She is still a little young and doesn't say potty until she is in the middle of doing it in her diaper, but if I make an effort to put her on the potty during the day - she goes!!! It's so exciting!

The other day while walking into Target she was saying "POTTY!!" so I put her on the toilet when we got in and sure enough she had to go...

We haven't offially started "potty-training" we are just praising her a lot when she goes and making her think it's fun, and taking it day by day!

It's crazy how life changes..who would have thought - pee-pee in the potty would cause a huge celebration!!!
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