Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Tuesday July 25, 2006

Not much new to report in the Anawski household. We have been spending most of our times indoors as it has been hot outside!! Sioux Falls has even reached 100 degrees a couple of days!!!

We bought the paint this week to start working on painting the baby furniture, and the baby bedding should be delivered to us sometime this week - so we have been excited to start working on the nursery.

I had my 24 week appointment on July 17th and everything went well. My belly measured right at 24/25 weeks. Heart rate was right at 145-150. I gained a lot of weight this last four weeks (yikes!) but the Doctor was happy about it - as I am where I am supposed to be now. Other than that things have been going well. Starting to really feel pregnant as bending over is harder to do and I am out of breath going up the stairs!! Although she doesn't ever let me forget she's there - she is always, always kicking around!! Especially at night, you can actually see my belly shake!

Todd is doing well, he has been a great help with things, he helps vacuum and clean house, and does a lot around the house, he hasn't quite gotten down the back massages thing, but I am wearing him down, trying to convince him it's part of his pre-fatherly duties!

We are getting down to the final four months, and Todd and I are feeling the pressure of getting a lot done before this baby gets here, just to be prepared financially and with things in the home, etc. so please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we try to keep the stress level low (which let me tell you is not easy for a pregnant lady!!!) Also, please keep my Dad in your prayers also, as he is still hanging on every day. He has good days and bad, and we just try and spend as much time with him as possible, helping him through the bad days and enjoying the good days with him!

That's all for now! Congratulations to our friends Kim and Travis Lee who just announced they are having a baby - due in February!!!! So exciting!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey--thanks for the shout out!! :)
