We had our 20week ultrasound last week (can you believe I am already 5months preggo!) Ultrasound tech announced it was a girl (of course with the disclaimer that nothing is 100%) and YES we have heard the stories of everyone who was told it was a girl or boy and it was wrong! This is the second tech who has said it is a girl, so as of now - BRING ON MORE PINK!!!

We are also asking for some prayers. During our ultrasound they discovered that out of the three blood vessels in the umbilical cord, our little ones cord only has two. We where assured this happens all the time. The speciality doctor came in and checked baby out for some of the side effects that can happen with 2 cord vessel babies (heart, kidney defects). God was watching over us as everything checked out great! We have to have another ultrasound at 32 weeks just to make sure baby is growing as sometimes 2 cord vessel babies sometimes have a harder time growing the bigger they get. Our OB said she has delivered several 2 cord vessel babies and has never had to deliver one early due to this, but of course they have to warn us.
So please keep baby Anawski (we have no idea on a name yet!) in your prayers, to assure her continued health and growth!
1 comment:
Wow...lots of pregos...you, Melanie, Shiela...someone stop the maddness!!!
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