The baby was a little apprehensive about having it's picture taken....Baby kept turning around, and making it difficult to get a good look! The ultrasound tech said we where getting lots of great pics of the baby's hand - the hand kept coming up like it was saying "no more pictures!"
Then...We were trying to find the out the sex of the baby...And....The umbilical cord was right between baby's legs...This made it very difficult to tell...The ultrasound tech said she had an idea..But wouldn't tell us till she was confident.
After an hour of ultrasound...Getting up, moving around, and trying to get that cord to move, it finally moved for a little bit...And...We had it.....
We are both so excited!!! By the time we got to the part of doing the 3D ultrasound....Our little girl had turned away, curled up and went to sleep...So as you will see in the middle picture below, our pic is basically of her side/back.
Everything looked great, she is at 100% growth for 20 weeks, and everything looked good! Boy, or girl, we didn't care, we just wanted to hear the good news, that baby was healthy!!
Todd and I went to Spezia's for lunch to celebrate, after making lots of phone calls! Below are a couple pictures from the ultrasound.

I love those 3D ultrasounds!
Awwww...It's an alien!! Congrats, really. :)
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