Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
This Happy Easter we have some news to share with you!
The Newest Married Anawski's are excited to say...
November 9th, 2006 is our babies expected arrival day!
Todd, Amy & Baby Anawski
Yes!! It's true - we are having a baby!!! We are right now 11 weeks along! It's been a rough ride for us though. We found out in early March I was pregnant, which was a big suprise to us - considering I was on the pill! (the 99.9% factor is the only answer from the doctor!) Todd and I had just discussed and started planning a date for when we where going to start trying for a baby the week before we found out - I guess God had plans for us we didn't know about!
At 5 weeks - I started bleeding....rushed to the doctor and found out I had a Subchorionic Hematoma...This is the medical definition of a Subchorionic Hematoma/Hemmorage
A subchorionic hematoma "SCH"(also known as subchorionic bleeding) is a space of fluid collection, presumably blood, between the gestational sac, usually the placenta, and the uterine wall. A subchorionic hematoma is a diagnosis made on ultrasound during pregnancy and is usually found either when a sonogram is done for vaginal bleeding in pregnancy or during a routine ultrasound examination. Small subchorionic hematomas in early pregnancy may not be significant, and most women with this finding will go on and deliver a healthy baby. Larger hematomas are more likely to be detected later in pregnancy, and may be associated with a poorer outcome, such as late abortion or preterm delivery. The reason for a subchorionic hematoma is usually unclear. It has been shown not only in patients with threatened miscarriage, but also in patients with bleeding disorders, patients with the presence of auto-antibodies, as well as patients receiving anti- coagulants, or those after a severe trauma. When a subchorionic hematoma is found on ultrasound, women are often told to stay on bed rest.
The subchorionic Hematoma we had was significantly sized - enough so that I had to be on moderate bed rest, and several times had to go in for ultrasounds to check on everything. Everytime we went in - Todd and I sighed a breath of relief when we found the baby was ok and the heartbeat was still there....
SCH's will either cause a miscarriage, or will take care of themselves and disolve, or will continue on through the pregnancy and be a constant threat to the baby. On Monday April 10th I started bleeding and was rushed into the doctors for an ultrasound, at this point we expected the worse....but the news was GREAT! We found out the baby was doing great - heartbeat was great, and even better we found out the SCH had dissolved, they did the ultrasound twice to verify it and it came back both times the same - they couldn't find it anymore!! We where very excited. We still have a risk the blood could clot more, but once we hit the 12 week to 15 week mark with no sign of it we are pretty much in the clear! I am still on modified bed rest (meaning I can work, and such, but no physical activies, exercise, and I have to rest immediatly when tired!) until the 12-15 week mark, but that is ok!
We hope you are all as excited as we are - and I will keep you all updated on how things are going! Below is the latest ultrasound pic...

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