Things have been hectic lately in the Anawski household...
We went through a month of illnesses that included: stomach virus, sinus infections, ear infections, RSV, and croup. My poor baby girls and Todd where really sick for a while. It truly was by the grace of God that I haven't gotten any of this junk so I could take care of my family!
We did have some in between times of healthy where we had some fun! Below are some pictures of our fun. We have had quite the winter and have been going a little stir-crazy but we are trying really hard to just enjoy it!
Some notable events since I posted last:
- Abby started swim lessons and is doing great!!! Her last swim lesson is next week and she is going to be sad!
- Hannah has gotten several more teeth and a lot more attitude. She is taking her spot as the 'princess' of the house and demands attention - we love our little 'spit-fire'
- Abby's favorite things to do is anything princess - read princess books, watch princess movies, wear princess dresses. The girl loves her princess stuff - it's pretty cute!
- Hannah spends her days doing whatever Abby is doing - she could care less about a toy unless Abby is playing with it - than it is interesting. She has gotten really good at grabbing a toy and running!
- Hannah's second favorite past time is laundry - if the laundry door opens - she is in there! She loves putting clothes into the washer, taking them out - and pushing the buttons and of course unfolding whatever Mommy tries to fold.