Busy, busy, busy!! That is Todd and I! This weekend we had a busy one.
Friday night, Mom, Me, Todd, Justin and Holly all met for dinner at Tailgators in Brandon (was super yummy!!!) And then Mom and I went to a play in Brandon. The Prairie Repertory Theatre was doing a play called "Social Security" It was a really good play, the actors where great!
On Saturday I had Lily all day while her family was moving into their new place. It was also Lily's 2nd Birthday so I took her to do lots of fun things, we hung out at Chuckee Cheese, and went swimming, all kind of fun stuff! While I was out having fun with Lily - Todd spent all day priming all the baby furniture getting ready to paint (although the Cubs game was conveniently on also, so he didn't mind too much)
Sunday was another busy day - I spent the day running errands, grocery shopping, visiting my Dad, etc. And Todd spend the day painting the baby furniture!! He was a little sore by Sunday night, but the furniture looked great and he still managed to help me clean up around the house (he's becoming an excellent duster and vacuumer!).
That was a recap of our busy weekend!!! Nothing else too exciting going on - we are just getting excited to start working on the nursery, hopefully will be picking out paint color for the room this weekend! We got the baby bedding delivered last week also, and we LOVE It!!! It's perfect! Thanks to Grandma and Momma Dziobecki for getting us the baby bedding!
As always, we keep all of you in our thoughts and prayers, and we hope that you can keep praying for us, as our time closes in - three months till baby!!!!