Friday, March 31, 2006

Friday March 31st 2006

Hello Everyone!!! It is Friday - whoo-hoo!!! Not much has happened this week with us.... Wednesday morning Todd was on a plane to Kansas City for a business meeting, and he returned Thursday night. He said the weather was nice, and the meetings where good. He was exhausted when he came home last night, but today he had the day off, and when I left for work he was still sleeping - so I am sure he will be ready for the weekend.

Yesterday while Todd was away I got to spend the day with my Mom! We visited Melody, Lily and Talon a bit (see Lily's new 19 month picture below - she is getting so big!) Then we did some shopping, and then went to Cracker barrel for dinner to visit Justin who works there also. It was lots of fun, since Mom has moved to Egan I haven't seen her as much as I did before, so it was nice to just have some girl time together!!!!

That is all for now! Hope you all have a great weekend!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Good News

Hello all! Some Good News on the Anawski front....Last night I got a phone call from my Dad's nursing home. They let me know that his new regiment of pain medicine has really been helping him feel well. Infact, yesterday he ate all three meals, and was in his chair and out of bed Sunday & Monday. They are going to try this new nutritional supplement drink, that has been known to really help rheumatoid arthritis sufferers, and if that works, we might see some improvement in my Dad's health instead of seeing a downward spiral. We are not getting too hopeful, as we still as always want what's best for him, but we are really praying hard everynight that this might work. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers, as I truly believe that is what got us this far!

Other than that not too much happening. This weekend Todd and I spent a lot of time relaxing, and catching up on sleep! Last night I made lasagna for dinner, and we invited the Strom's over. That was fun, I can't believe how big Keeley is getting!! Babies grow up so fast! And Kinsey is reading really well, even getting the big words. And of course Carson was cute as ever as usual.

Thanks again for always keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. Todd and I have been through a lot, but it only makes us stronger. We know we couldn't do it without all of our friends and family!

Monday, March 20, 2006


It is Monday! I think the snooze button gets hit the most this day of the week! I am dragging pretty good today, it's hard to get focused on Mondays.

Todd and I had a good weekend. We went to the three dollar theatre and saw the movie "Fun with Dick and Jane" on Friday night - Todd thought it was funnier than I did - but it was good just to get out of the house, and of course the popcorn was yummy!

Saturday we visited Mom, Dave and the Kids at the hotel, they seemed to be having lots of fun! Saturday night Tiffani and I tried out the new "Paint-it-yourself" ceramic studio in Sioux Falls. 41st street next to the new scrapbooking store. I did a bowl, and Tiffani did a vase. It was lots of fun, and we are excited to see how are pieced turned out, we pick them up on Thursday!

Sunday was our usual day of rest! Reading the paper, running errands, cleaning house, bumming around. I also spent some time visiting my Dad. He seems to be doing ok, hanging in there, he was in a lot of pain on Sunday, and was pretty sleepy from the medications, but it was still nice to see him.

That's all I got for now, it's another week of excitement for the Anawski's, we will keep you updated!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Well it's the day of green, we all rummage through our closets looking for that one article of clothing that is green or has green in it! This is the only day when you will see GREEN in all its glory! Happy St. Patrick's Day to all of you Irish folk, and all of you who claim to be Irish on this day too!

This week has been challenging and exhausting for Todd and I. We want to thank all of our friends and family for their thoughts and prayers, and ask that you continue to keep us in your prayers.

Good news this week for Mom & Dave, they made an offer on a house in Egan, and after a counter-offer from the seller, they have accepted! They will be moving sometime in March if everything goes as planned. They will have a big yard, and a lot more room than they have in the basement they live in now, so we are excited for them.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Thoughts and prayers.

"Some people think it's holding on that makes one strong...Sometimes it's letting go." - Unknown

Please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers as we go through a very difficult time. Yesterday the decision was made to start Hospice care with my Dad. He has had many years filled with lots of pain, and we are letting him know that is ok to stop fighting. He will still be at Southridge Nursing home, and Sioux Valley Hospice care will come to him.

The first meeting was yesterday, and within hours they had changed Dad's pain medicine to be more effective, made his room more comfortable, and changed other things in his daily care that will help take away more pain.

although this hurts, we are trying really hard to remember how much pain he is in every day. It is truly in Gods hands now.

For those of you who do not know exactly what hospice care is, this is the definition of hospice care: Care rendered either on an inpatient basis or in the home setting for a terminally ill patient. Often referred to as "palliative" or "supportive" care, hospice care emphasizes the management of pain and discomfort and the emotional support of the patient and family.

Thank you for being ther for us during this hard time...

Monday, March 13, 2006

It is still WINTER in South Dakota!!!

Well, it happened like it does every year....We just start getting excited for spring, and Mother Nature gives us a heaping helping of snow in March. It was cold, windy and snowy all day and night on Sunday. Todd spent his fair share of shoveling and snow blowing yesterday, and looks forward to more tonight!

We can't complain too much though, our winter as been really mild this year, and lets face it - it is WINTER in South Dakota! We just have to keep telling ourselves Spring is just around the corner!

Happy Birthday Matthew

This weekend we celebrated Matthew's Birthday in Egan. We had lots of fun, and I think he did too! For all of you who don't know who Matthew is...Matthew is Dave's (My mom's "special friend" lol) youngest child. Dave has three children from a previous marriage, Joshua, Cassandra (KC) and Matthew.

Friday, March 10, 2006


It's Friday!!!!! Not much happening with the Anawski's this week, both Todd and I where busy with work this week, and spent our evenings relaxing.
This weekend we get to spend Saturday visiting my Mom & Dave and on Sunday we are having dinner with Pat & Tom, so we will be having a fun filled family weekend!! Be sure to keep posted...on all the excitment!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Monday..Monday! is Monday...again! What can I say? Todd and I had a great weekend.

On Saturday my Mom and I went to a baby shower, which was lots of fun! Then we met up with the boys and a group of us went out to Famous Daves for dimmer (yummy!) After that - I picked up Lily to spend some quality time with her while My Mom, Dave, Steve and Melody went out for a little bit. Lily and I visited Robin, which is one of Lily's favorite places to visit - she loves playing with all the animals!!!

On Sunday I did some shopping with Tiffani, and then Sunday night Todd and I went to the Stampede game (they won 4 to 1!!) with a bunch of families from the church group that I attend.

All in all it was a great weekend, that like always went by way to fast!!!